Nice work. I found it extremely funny and well written. I was paying more attention to the story the first time I watched it, but now I'm realizing how great everything else is. I'm not an expert on cinematography, but your shots all look interesting and varied, while being constructed in each way for a specific reason.
Your animation and poses are pretty sweet. I like the range of body motion and facial expressions they have while talking on the bikes. I didn't notice any problems throughout so that's always lovely. Although there is that part where the tie turns blue which, I don't know if it was on purpose, but if so then good job I guess!
I like your voice acting too. The music was also a good choice, and well placed.
I loved the ending, but I also loved three things about the credits screen.
- The layout
- When you scroll up and down it looks like the diagonal "N" line is moving"
- The Jaltoid logo